In case you are interested in sending your car to a salvage yard, you surely want to get the best price for the vehicle. Therefore, before taking our auto to the junkyard you should know to which category it belongs. When we know its category, we could calculate more or less how much money they can give us for our car, although this will depend on the city in which we are, since the values may vary depending on the state. Here below you can find the different categories.
Category A
Category A cars are vehicles that are useless, and do not have reusable parts. Normally these autos are the ones that have had a very serious accident, or have been burned in a fire or have even been flooded due to a hurricane. These are the least valued cars, that is, they are worth almost no money, and for this reason, many times their transportation costs more.
Category B
Category B cars are those that have been in a major accident, but the heaviest damage is on the exterior and still have usable parts. These parts usually have superficial damage that will not affect the use and for this reason they will be the cheapest parts that we can find.
Category C
Category C vehicles are those that have had accidents, but can be fixed. The problem with these autos is that most of the time it costs more to repair it than to buy another new car. For this reason they take out their parts that are normally in good condition, and sell them at a price less than what we would find in a new parts store.
Category D
Category D cars are those that have had a small accident, but the insurance decides to send it to scrap. They can have slight damage, and even breakdowns that you can fix yourself knowing the basics of mechanics. That is why this is one of the best options if you want a car at a good price. Since having had an accident the price of the car drops a lot and this means that people with little budget can buy an auto.
Category X
Category X cars are those that are in perfect condition, but due to certain circumstances they end up in the salvage yard. They are usually stolen vehicles, which the owner has not claimed. These cars are the most difficult to find in a salvage yard since it is not common to leave a car in perfect condition in the junkyard. But if we find one, it is undoubtedly a great opportunity, since we will have a new car or one with superficial damage at a price that seems to lie.
These are the main categories that exist, this classification may vary depending on where you live. But if you still have any questions, you can call your nearest salvage yard to ask what category your car belongs to. They have certain values to differentiate the various types of cars.